Affirmation Program

The affirmation program is administered as a Kit that you can purchase from this website (or our partners’) and includes the following:

  • Affirmation cards (based on the goals that you would like to achieve)
  • Light-up diya (handmade candle-like device which uses Ghee as the fuel to purify the surrounding environment)
  • Meditation instructions
  • Focus chart (based on the goalpost setup)


Although the kit is self-explanatory, customers who would like to get initiated to this program can book a 1 hour consultation with our experts for an extra cost. This allows you to discuss the practice, setup & commit to the practice.


Affirmation kits are available for the following Goals:


Affirmations for Teens/Young adults:

Be popular & acceptable at school/college

Staying positive in the light of body shaming, cyber bullying

Recovering from low self-esteem

Stopping your Internet/Social/FOMO addiction

Being strong when practicing abstinence 


Affirmations for people undergoing external stress in their lives:

Handling death & grieving a loved one’s departure 

Recovering from bad debt, foreclosure, bankruptcy, defaults

Get out of a bad relationship

Handle pressure at work

Seeking closure, Make peace with ex——- (wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend etc)


Affirmations for people witnessing behavioral issues in their lives:

Negate anxiety, distress, anger and frustration in oneself

Handling passive aggressive behavior 

Get a grip over MS (Multiple Sclerosis) behavior

Let go of a past experience that has haunted you (sexual abuse, assult etc)

Negating the effects of fear, trauma, depression, self-harm instincts


Affirmations for people wanting to set & achieve short term goal(s): 

Boost your confidence for a presentation, public speech, interview

Get fit & stay healthy

Committing to a new relationship


Affirmations for people wanting to set & achieve medium term goal(s):

Buy a house

Settle in a relationship

Make more money

Look good (internal beauty)

Save up for Travel & Luxury spending


Affirmations for people wanting to set & achieve long term goal(s):

Align work, goals with your life’s purpose

Save up for retirement, buy a retirement home

Ability to stay healthy & live unassisted

Keep the relationship fresh & romantic

Wishing that Children, Grandchildren will be supportive & in-touch


Affirmations for people wishing to achieve work/business related goals:

Striving a work – life balance

Achieving growth & stability in one’s career

Building a business and to achieve scale

Getting the desired valuation for your startup business

Accomplish the quarterly/annual sales target